Attention Visitors, the Museum will open at 12 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan led President Roosevelt to issue Executive Order 9906 on February 9, 1942. The order led to approximately 122,000 first and second generations Japanese Americans living on the west coast to be relocated to incarceration camps throughout the United States. Further, the government classified males of Japanese ancestry as enemy aliens disqualifying them from military service. Despite the discrimination, Nisei, second generation Japanese Americans, men and women demanded the right to serve in the armed forces.
How did Nisei Soldiers use military service to affirm their rights as American citizens?
Daniel K. Inouye
Ben Kuroki
Sadao S. Munemori
Chikara “Don” Oka
Ralph T. Yempuku
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
The 442D Regimental Combat Team
Book Talk – “Divisions” by Thomas A. Gugliemo
Curator’s Corner “Staff Sgt. Jimmy Mizote’s Senninbari”
Curator’s Corner “Nisei Soldier Bag”
Virtual Field Trip – Fighting for Freedom: The Nisei Soldier Experience in World War II