In the vast frontier woods of the Ohio Country, a young, inexperienced Virginia provincial officer named George Washington set off a series of events in 1754. Those events would soon ignite the wide-scale conflict called the French and Indian War in America, and the Seven Years’ War in Europe. Based at Fort Necessity–a crude log fort–located in what is today western Pennsylvania, Colonel Washington led a small detachment of soldiers in search of suspected French spies. The ensuing skirmish pitted the Virginians and their Indian allies against colonial French troops. It ended in bloodshed, further violence that summer, and eventually to an all-out imperial war engulfing Great Britain, France, Spain, the American colonies, and Native Americans.
Join Elizabeth Maurer, the Museum’s Chief of Programs and Education, for a one-hour presentation exploring George Washington’s first command, his initiation into warfare, and his decisions that sparked a world war.
This event is open to Museum visitors to attend IN PERSON. Seating is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
February 21, 2022 @ 12:00
12:00 pm — 1:00 pm (1h)
Experiential Learning Center, On-site
Elizabeth Maurer